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FARVA LEGENDS Minecraft Server

This is the information page for the FARVA LEGENDS server. Here you can find answers to all of the questions you may have about FARVA LEGENDS to make sure it would be a good fit for you!

Selamat Datang di [FARVA LEGENDS]

Masuki dunia Minecraft yang penuh petualangan dan strategi! Gabungan RPG dan ekonomi dinamis menciptakan pengalaman bermain unik dan seru.

✨ Kenapa Main di Sini?
🌟 Ekonomi Pemain – Kuasai pasar, bangun kerajaan bisnis, atau jadi pedagang sukses.
⚔️ RPG Mendalam – Pilih kelas, ikuti quest epik, kalahkan bos, dan dapatkan loot legendaris.
🏙️ Bangun Kota – Kelola kota, bentuk komunitas, dan kebijakan.
🎉 Event Seru – Ikuti turnamen PvP atau perang kerajaan untuk hadiah eksklusif.
💬 Komunitas Ramah – Nikmati kebersamaan dan kerja sama di dunia kami.

📜 Ayo bergabung dan jadilah legenda di [FARVA LEGENDS]!


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Player Stats

5 / 5.0


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I join FARVA LEGENDS?

    Joining servers is different for both Java and Bedrock platforms. If you are a Java player, simply select 'Add Server' or 'Direct Connection', and enter the IP address: farvalegend.xyz. If you are a Bedrock player (this server must support Bedrock in order to join on Bedrock) use the address farvalegend.xyz:25638 along with the port: 19132.

  • Which Gamemodes does FARVA LEGENDS have?

    Every Minecraft server has it's own gamemode. FARVA LEGENDS features Survival, PvE, PvP, Economy, RPG, and Cracked. If you enjoy any of these gamemodes, FARVA LEGENDS might be the server for you!'

  • Which Versions does FARVA LEGENDS support?

    Minecraft has many different versions - each with their own features. FARVA LEGENDS supports Latest Version connectivity, so make sure you join on one of those versions!