Wellcome to CodexGami
We have unlimeted gb on this server
its a 24/7 server (but the server host are not that good and sometimes they close the server when no ones on it)
we have 49 working plugins
the main plugins are
all ranks can be earned so there are no paid ranks
If the IP/Domanin dont work then just copy this
We also have a discord server
This is our main Hub discord server https://discord.gg/YNdmvzyHD8
the first 25 to join and i see it get the (beta) rank
its the same as the normal rank(member) but it can use /fly
you can see it says 0 online, thats not true for im on the server when im typing this
Vote for hast been closed
Vote every 24 hours to get rewards and support hast been closed!